1 Identity Workshop Ground Rules

This is a mutual healing and growth group with a foundation based on the Truth of Scripture. The purpose is to provide education about our created identity as well as find healing for the wounds from an emotional, psychological, and biological/brain perspective. Participate to whatever extent you feel comfortable. 

The following ground rules facilitate the development of trust in the group and enable us to share our thoughts and feelings, be vulnerable, with each other:

  • This is a safe place. People are respected, accepted and appreciated for who they are.
  • We are committed to building trust which is a basic human need.
  • We honor confidentiality, which is different from secrecy. Secrecy is motivated by power and manipulation; confidentiality is motivated by a deep respect for the sacredness of people’s stories and experiences.
  • We understand that the presence of each individual is greatly valued and necessary for successful development of the group and strive to attend each meeting unless unforeseen circumstances prevent us from doing so.
  • Always be honest and authentic. Everyone is invited to share and contribute, but no one is forced to speak. We give ourselves and others permission to “pass.”
  • We are responsible for giving one another space and watch that no one or two people dominate the group sharing time.
  • This is a sharing group, not a discussion group. The purpose is to deepen and further understand the connection between our faith in Jesus, the Scriptures, and the ups and downs of our past and present lives. Discussing church doctrines or contentious political issues both in and outside the church are kept at bay.
  • If one person dominates or sets themselves up as an “expert,” the facilitator or other group members may gently redirect the conversation.
  • Since the Gospel invites us to grow, change and deepen our insights and our ability to love, we give ourselves permission to grow in truth, understanding that answers to life’s challenges are a process.
  • The value of silence and reflection in the group is as important as sharing.
  • We believe in the dignity of each person, and in her/his responsibility to make life-giving and love-giving decisions and choices in his/her life.
  • We refrain from giving one another advice.
  • We welcome different paths, personalities, life experiences, and perspectives which each person brings to the group.
  • We admit that no one has the complete window on the truth, but that together we grow into reflecting our created identity in God’s image and likeness.
  • We appreciate and respect that introvert and extrovert personalities have different needs when it comes to balancing reflection/silent group time and sharing time.
  • There are times when even great talkers may not feel like talking. We are responsible to communicate these needs in the group and we honor and try to accommodate this diversity as much as possible.
  • We do not rescue others ‘moments’ or interrupt their time with God. We can get in the way of what God is doing when we become uncomfortable with other people’s processing time and methods.
  • We each share the responsibility for making this group work. We are respectful, supportive, encouraging, empathetic, and sensitive to others.

Statement of Confidentiality

Confidentiality, a trust of privacy of communication and information, is the shared responsibility of all group members and leaders. Although a group leader or member will not disclose information, if someone in the group or outside the group is in danger, we will protect you and others.

  • I will not divulge any confidential information which shall include:
  • Not discussing any information pertaining to any group member with anyone (including my own family), roommates, significant others or any other person(s) not a member of this group.
  • Not discussing any information pertaining to any group member in any place where it can be overheard by anyone not directly involved with the group.
  • I will not release any information, in writing or orally, regarding any group member to any person(s) or agencies.
  • I understand that violation of these confidentiality principals will be handled on a case-by-case basis.
  • I am agreeing to participate of your own choice and desire. I understand that this is not therapy.

Group Dynamics

We ask that you refrain from providing advice to others—the way God has worked in your life may just be for you. Part of our relationship with God and others is about listening and receiving. We hope to learn practical ways to listen to God as it agrees with the truth of God’s Word.


Hold Harmless

In connection with my participation, I acknowledge that I agree to hold 1 Identity Counseling and Jenelle Linden and any volunteers harmless from and against any and all liability claims, actions, causes of action, demands, rights, damages, cost, loss of service, expenses, and compensation for all negligence whether active or passive arising out of or in any way connected or related to this workshop.

Workshop Confidentiality
