WaitList Submission
The Treatment Model of Jenelle Linden
Jenelle’s developmental treatment model gets to root issues by focusing on the whys vs. what. For instance, our unwanted behavior is an indicator of a deeper concern. This concern is often trauma and/or wounds that have influenced us in negative ways, sometimes even leaving us living in shame or control. This shame/control leaves us with a diminished sense of worth and value. Addressing our trauma and wounds re-establishes the firm foundation we were meant to live in from the beginning. We are then able to bring truth into our past to reconnect with our worth and value. Our present struggles prove that root issues cannot be kept at bay forever.
If this sounds like something you have been looking for, please complete the form below.
Due to a capacity waitlist. 1 Identity Counseling is only taking teens (grades 7-12) who have experienced trauma and/or a chaotic home life. This can be determined by an ACEs score of 4 or higher.
Click here to access ACEs assessment.
Please complete the form below to be added to the waiting list.
When there is an opening, you will receive an email with instructions on how to proceed for your initial appointment. Current wait time is 5-8 months.